Tuesday 16 August 2016

The Seven Wonders: The Lighthouse of Alexandria

And so begins a new series!  I'm still working on the Roman gods, but I had this idea and thought it would be interesting, so I'm doing it at the same time.

I don't plan on all of this series ending with some pithy moral; it'll be more like telling a story about the wonders.  But that last line worked particularly well, I think.

“Make me a brand burning bright over the sea,”
Says the king, “To beckon all to come to me.”
Stone as great as the work of giants
Rises by the work of great engineers,
To lift this star to join the firmament.
Kings die, kings live - Egypt falls;
The light remains undimmed by fire and war.
To Alexandria come travelers from all corners -
Greek, Moor, Gaul, and more,
To see this wonder, the last to rise
And almost last to fall.
But nature is harsh,
And the sea is deep;
What the god-king built,
Goddess Terra throws down,
And Poseidon claims the wreck;
So even a star may drown.

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