Sunday 26 July 2015

Prayers to the Roman Gods: Mercury

And another god off the list: Mercury, the original prince of thieves!  I rather like the one reference I made to that - it's something of a poetical way of putting it, but that is fitting, I suppose.

Tuesday 21 July 2015

Prayers to the Roman Gods: Jupiter

This is a new project I've decided to engage on, in which I'll be writing a short prayer to each of the Di Selecti, as well as the Muses, the Graces, household gods, and one or two particularly famous others; and then I'll be translating that prayer into Latin.  Because lingua Latina perbona est now.

Anyway, I am, of course, beginning with the god Jupiter, which is definitely because he is the King of the Gods, and not because he happened to be selected by random lot, or at least as random as it can be when we're talking about gods.  The odds always do seem to be oddly tilted in their favour, after all.