Tuesday, 3 May 2016

An Apology for Writer's Block

It's really quite inexcusable - this writer's block is most detestable!

I tried my hardest,
I tried my darnedest,
But poetry, it seems,
Is beyond my means.

I did all I could to train my skill,
I tried and tried with all my will,
But I simply couldn't find a way
To write a single poem this day.

I've no ideas about what to write -
My writer's block has no end of bite!
For a moment, I think I maybe spy
An idea for a poem that will truly fly.

But no - alas - it's already gone
And I've no ideas still - not one.
I stare and stare at this blank page -
Blank for forever and an age.

Oh, if only I could compose a poem -
Something clever, fit for a tome.
But I'm no Shakespeare, I cannot write
My mind is simply out of sorts tonight.

Nothing complex, not this time -
I want just a couple lines of rhyme.
A single verse - is that too hard?
Alas, it seems to be for this poor bard.

Maybe other people can work with verse -
But I admit - there's no one worse.
Take it from me, I've no skill for script,
And on this page there's nothing writ.

That's it, I give up, I cannot do it -
I quit, and that's all there is to it.
Even a couplet is beyond my ability -
I choose to retire with a nice cup of tea.

I tried my hardest, I tried my darnedest,
But still I failed, though I did my best.
Poetry, it seems, is beyond my mean,
And at these efforts I'm no longer keen.