Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Prayers to the Roman Gods: The Muses

Ah, some of the most delightful ladies among the gods, the muses.  Every writer's favourite, really.

O Muses,
Great ladies who govern the words we speak,
Grant me the gift of true words to speak,
To write what shall last 'til the end of days;
Teach me the craft of ancient Virgil's ways,
To twist into things of beauty my words.
Plant in my imagination the seeds of worlds,
Which orbit stars unknown to man or alien,
And I shall grow those seeds to fullness as you deem.
Nine daughters of Memory, I dedicate my writings to you,
Who grant me the gift to craft them true.

O Musae,
Dominae magnae verba hominis praesidens,
Donum verba veritatis dicere dona,
Perstatum ad terminum dierum scribere;
artem Vergilii antiqui doce,
Verba in res pulchras contexere.
In mente mea semines terrarum semina,
Terrae astras ignotas ad homines vel alienos circumerrans,
Et ad plenitudinem in nominae tuae auctabunt.
Filiae nonae Memoriae, operas ad te do,
Tu donum se facere donans.

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