Monday, 15 February 2016

Prayers to the Roman Gods: Minerva

I'd say that Minerva was one of my favourite gods, but given that last time the gods had a popularity contest a war started...

Thursday, 4 February 2016

At the Gala - Dead Money Edition

I had the idea for this while rewatching FiMFlamFilosophy's Let's Play of Fallout: New Vegas, and figured I might as well do it.  Original song by Daniel Ingram et al., Dead Money © Bethesda, etc., etc.

Prayers to the Roman Gods: Tellus

No, I haven't forgotten about these.  I've just been busy, is all.

Monday, 1 February 2016

Excerptum ab 'Honor Reginae'

Just a bit of Latin practice I did over the weekend.  Got it from the front of the book in question (Honor of the Queen, by David Weber), actually.