Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Carmen Centurionis

One final piece of Latin - I happened to notice that I hadn't posted this one when I did it, which is silly, because it's the one with the most Latinitas of the three, and also I did it first.  "The Roman Centurion's Song," by Rudyard Kipling:

Horologiarii Discipulus

Another translation!  This one's "The Watchmaker's Apprentice," which wound up being v. difficult to translate, what with all of the references to clockwork and springs.

Monday, 20 April 2015

Ludi cum Amici Boni

A latinization of "Pastime with Good Company," by Henricus Octavus, ab Gratia Dei, Rex Angliae, Galliae, et Dominus Hiberniae.  Yes, I translated his titles as well, just for show.

Wednesday, 8 April 2015

A Sonnet for Books

A sonnet which I wrote for the library's open-mic next week.  I have no ear for iambic pentameter, so I'm just going to hope that I got that right.